Wild Pigeon breasts are not usually associated with the dinner table anymore and more likely as a city centre pest. Previously, pigeon was raised as a valued source of meat. In France, they still value pigeon meat, especially in rural areas. The reason pigeon is no longer a popular meat is open to debate, but the chances are that our modern day farming practices provide us with the meats we prefer; beef chicken, pork. But at what cost to animal welfare and our health?
Choosing to eat wild game is sustainable and good for the environment and, in the case of pigeon, a low-cost and nutritious method of eating. It also fits very nicely into our Paleo principles of eating from the land (or in this case, the air) where the animals are raised naturally. Plus, because there are so many of them, pigeon is available all year round.
The pigeons here are country wood-pigeons, as opposed to their somewhat scruffy city cousins. They forage in the countryside and eat a balanced diet which is entirely natural. This in turn gives us a tasty and highly nutritional treat for the table, especially in summer when the birds have access to a good selection of seeds and berries. Pigeon carries a high concentration of iron and vitamins B as well as good copper, potassium and magnesium levels. The breast contain 75% of the meat of the pigeon, and so makes for good value and no work of plucking, cutting and stuffing a whole bird, approx 200g = 2 breasts.
Recipe Recommendations:
Perfectly Paleo Pan-fried Pigeon. Sorry, couldn’t resist! But it’s the best thing to do with the pigeon breasts we sell here at Primal Meats. A little seasoning then cooked pink in a hot frying pan. Similarly, this simple recipe for wood-fired wood-pigeon is as primal as it can get; you can almost feel you are sat around a campfire with it. Or just as Paleo is this one for pigeon with caramalised leeks. So go on, get wild and primal and treat your taste buds with the earthy woodland flavour of our Wild pigeon breasts.
You need to know…
Wild Game has many benefits but we feel it’s important to let you know that our game, like most, is shot with lead.
This product is suitable for:
About Primal Meats
We aim to offer you nutrient dense meat from Farms who rear their animals to very high standards of welfare and manage their land in harmony with nature.
Our meats are perfect for those following diets based on ancestral wisdom as they are as close as possible to meats from the wild.
The beef, lamb, mutton and hogget are 100% grass fed and carry the “Pasture for life” logo, providing reassurance of nutrient quality and traceability amongst a world of misleading “grass fed meat” products. We offer certified organic or free-range chicken and our pork is free range, pasture reared (not just outdoor bred) and sourced from the highest quality farms we can find. Our wild game comes from estates across Scotland, the North of England and the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire.

Caroline is a ‘Certified Primal Blueprint Expert’ and we generally advocate an ancestral health approach to diet and wellness. However, we can’t personally offer professional advice directly. All comments regarding health are based on a picture built up over years of researching scientific literature and working with leading experts in the field of nutrition. As a reference for these comments, we have compiled a pinterest board with a range of research and informative articles.
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View our full Wild Game department here.
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