Owing to demand of our Nitrate-Free range of bacon being so successful, (to the point we can’t always keep up with it!) we have been able to source, and offer, this alternative, which we have to say is very good quality bacon, but unfortunately is not Nitrate-Free or organically pastured all year round.
Typically, the breeds are Gloucester Old Spot, Saddleback, Berkshire, Middle White and Large Black.
The combination of their extensive farming environment, these breeds’ inherent qualities and carefully monitored natural feed makes for a quality and flavour of pork highly coveted by the discerning meat lover.
Taste Traditions preferred breeds carry an extra bit of fat which helps to infuse moisture and a superbly distinctive flavour into the meat whilst it cooks.
The pigs consume natural feed, which is a factor responsible for the high quality and flavour of the pork that we produce.
The sows usually produce two litters (9-11 piglets) per year, and are left to furrow unattended in their own outdoor huts.
Specialist rations have been formulated which are free of GM products and are always enjoyed by our pigs.
This product is suitable for:
Your Best Source of High- Quality, Nutrient Rich Meats
About Primal Meats
We aim to offer you nutrient dense meat from Farms who rear their animals to very high standards of welfare and manage their land in harmony with nature.
Our meats are perfect for those following diets based on ancestral wisdom as they are as close as possible to meats from the wild.
The beef, lamb, mutton and hogget are 100% grass fed and carry the “Pasture for life” logo, providing reassurance of nutrient quality and traceability amongst a world of misleading “grass fed meat” products. We offer certified organic or free-range chicken and our pork is free range, pasture reared (not just outdoor bred) and sourced from the highest quality farms we can find. Our wild game comes from estates across Scotland, the North of England and the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire.

Concerned about fat or red meat?
Watch the amazing Chris Kresser talk about this.
Watch this Cardiologist talk about how we ended up demonising saturated fat.
Caroline is a ‘Certified Primal Blueprint Expert’ and although we can’t comment on individual cases or offer any professional advice directly we generally advocate an ancestral health approach to diet and wellness. All comments regarding health are based on a picture built up over years of researching scientific literature and working with leading experts in the field of nutrition. By way of a reference for these comments, we have compiled a pinterest board with a range of research and informative articles on the subject. Enjoy.
Pinterest Link:
View our full bacon, sausages and burger range here.
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