Planton Farm, nestled in the hills of Shropshire, is the home of visionaries. Clare Hill, Annie Rayner and Ruth Layton have all worked in the agricultural industry trying to change things from the inside. Now they want to blaze a trail, demonstrating what is possible with regenerative agriculture and help other farmers do the same. So Planton is part research farm, part training facility, and home to Clare, her husband Rupert and their two children.
How are the cattle reared?
- 100% grass fed – we are working on certification, we have just needed some animals to become ready before we progressed to certification
- We practice holistic planned grazing to maximise the amount of rest the land gets and maximise diversity in the pasture for the cattle to graze.
- During the winter, we use bale grazing to enable us to keep the cattle outside for as long as possible. This is where we roll out a bale of hay each day for them to eat. Some of it gets trampled back into the soil to feed the microbes and increase the health of our soil.
- Whilst we are building our soil health, we are still housing our cattle for about three months each winter when the ground is at its wettest. Whilst the cattle are inside they eat only hay and silage which we have made on the farm, keeping a closed nutrient loop.
- The breed of our cattle are Aberdeen Angus and we are pedigree registered. We chose these cattle not for their breed, but the breeder as we wanted genetics from a regenerative system so that their epigenetics would be well matched to our farm and the way we manage our grazing.
- Second year of conversion, certified with OF&G as they are a local certifier for us and we work together within the Shropshire Good Food Partnership
How do we know that we are regenerating the land? We have an Ecological Outcome Verification survey each year and we have increased our Ecological Health Index score each year since we started.

Recipe: Beef Casserole
More Info: Listen to Clare Hill and Annie Rayner from Planton Farm discussing their plans for the Impeckable Poultry project on the Investing in Regenerative Agriculture and Food Podcast.
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About Primal Meats
We aim to offer you nutrient dense meat from Farms who rear their animals to very high standards of welfare and manage their land in harmony with nature.
Our meats are perfect for those following diets based on ancestral wisdom as they are as close as possible to meats from the wild.

Caroline is a ‘Certified Primal Blueprint Expert’ and although we can’t comment on individual cases or offer any professional advice directly we generally advocate an ancestral health approach to diet and wellness. All comments regarding health are based on a picture built up over years of researching scientific literature and working with leading experts in the field of nutrition. By way of a reference for these comments, we have compiled a pinterest board with a range of research and informative articles on the subject. Enjoy.
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