Organic Free-Range Eggs


Our Organic Free-Range eggs come in boxes of six and arrive to us fresh every week.



Category:Tag: SKU: eggs-1


Here’s what our supplier says of their Organic Free-Range eggs:

We believe that our eggs should be good for you, good for our hens, and good for the land.  At the heart of this philosophy is the welfare of our hens.

We keep our hens happy and healthy by keeping them in smaller flocks, fed on a healthy diet free from GM, chemical or hormone additives and with plenty of access to the outdoors, where they can behave naturally – roaming, scratching and looking for food.

We don’t use chemical fertilisers or pesticides on our land – instead we work with nature, rotate areas and gain a little assistance from some of the farms four legged friends to keep the soil naturally rich and nutritious.

Our hens – We use a mix of Lohman Brown, a caramel coloured inquisitive hen, Brown feathered Bovans Brown, and light coloured Amber Link hens – all perfectly suited to outdoor life in an organic environment and excellent egg layers.”

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