Tag: primal stakes
Lamb, Celeriac and Mint Bone Broth
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Regenerative Agriculture
The hottest trend of 2023?
By Caroline Grindrod
Firstly, if you have been hiding under a rock and haven’t yet heard of regenerative agriculture, here’s a quick description and a great explainer video.
What is regenerative agriculture?
‘Regenerative agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances ecosystem services. By capturing carbon in soil and biomass, regenerative agriculture aims to reverse current trends of atmospheric accumulation. At the same time, it offers increased yields, resilience to climate instability, and higher health and vitality for farming communities.’
Terra Genisis
A different paradigm
Regenerative agriculture comes from a different paradigm to conventional agriculture and is a huge step change in how we produce our food. Think about how Airbnb revolutionised the hospitality industry or Uber changed how we get around, then 10X it to get a sense of how exciting and revolutionary regenerative agriculture is for the farming industry. And boy, do we need this revolution on food and farming if we are to survive in the volatile and uncertain decades to come!
The regenerative agriculture movement has been a slow and arduous building of decades of pioneering work in the face of ridicule and resistance from those with an invested interest in the status quo.
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”
originated with Mahatma Gandhi
Pioneers such as Allan Savory, Gabe Brown and the understanding AG team, Vandana Shiva, the Regrarians, the Permaculture movement and many others (including Roots of nature, 3LM, Rob Havard, Wilderculture and others here in the UK) have done the excruciatingly hard work of rolling the boulder up the very steep hill to reach the tipping point that is about to crash down on us.
Collectively these pioneers have demonstrated success with practical examples on millions of acres and scientifically collected indisputable evidence that regenerative agriculture works.
Let’s also not forget the indigenous and traditional peoples who have applied ecological thinking to their highly sustainable methods of growing food in harmony with nature for longer than anyone. The wisdom and knowledge of these people has been overlooked and marginalised in the global race to the bottom, fueled by the companies and methods of the green revolution.
Regenerative agriculture – reaching a tipping point
This is a movement whose time has come.
During the turbulent last few years filled with rapidly rising costs, disrupted supply chains, biodiversity collapse and climate derangement, regenerative agriculture seems to be the only serious contender for a more resilient and healthy future for people and the planet – unless, of course, you have been seduced by George Monbiot’s depressing dystopian future of factory formed fake food!
So regardless of whether you are a vegan, vegetarian, omnivore or carnivore or flex between, regenerative agriculture is how our food should be grown. We need to unite behind this exciting movement if we stand a chance of out-competing the vast and powerful vested interests in chemical and industrial agriculture.
So buckle up over Christmas and January and get up to speed with what we think will be the hottest trend for 2023 by watching these fantastic movies, documentaries and TV series exploring the hopeful solutions regenerative agriculture offers.
Instead of the 12 days of Christmas, we give you the 12 days of regeneration!
And here’s an idea for a new year’s resolution. What about, in addition to your noble commitment to bike to work or reduce your plastic packaging, you do something that will not just reduce your impact but actively drive change for the better?
If you are a meat eater or know someone who eats meat, then you can join our stake club. It’s free with no obligation to buy. As part of this regenerative initiative, we actively train and support farmers to transition to regenerative agriculture. We offer them a simple, no-obligation, fair way to sell their amazing nutrient-dense produce.
Join – HERE and share the opportunity with family and friends by sending them this link. We launch at the end of January.
We have also created a free course for any interested citizen who wants to know more about regenerative agriculture on our social media platform dedicated to regeneration and primal living – Primal Web. Take the course HERE!
Let’s make 2023 the year that regenerative agriculture goes mainstream. We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and wish you a regenerative new year.