By Fieke van Halder
At Primal Meats we support ancestral diets because we believe our modern westernised diets and lifestyle have led to the rise in chronic, metabolic diseases.
Last month, we started promoting foraging as part of our ancestral lifestyle, since eating nutrient-dense meat and consuming seasonal wild foraged foods are part of the foundation of ancestral health.
However, since the start of our ‘foraging’ campaign, we have also received concerns about the countryside being stripped by foragers and the damage this does to our natural habitat. We feel the need to address this further..
‘The expansion of commercial harvesting in many parts of the world has led to widespread concern about overharvesting and possible damage to (fungal) resources.’ (1)
Science Direct
Foraging Concerns
‘Like most environmental issues with food production, the problems start to arise when done on a large/industrial scale.’ (2)
By stripping too much from land or sea we are not only taking valuable food from animals, plants and fungi, but we are also leaving gaps for invasive species to invade and destroying nature’s delicate biome.
In doing so we are at risk of creating monocultural landscapes (exactly like industrial agriculture), which is what we are striving to get away from.
There is no point in pointing fingers, so like all things we do, we have to tackle this issue in a holistic sense, take responsibility and think of a holistic solution.
Most foragers we know are switched-on people with a deep love and understanding of nature. And like many of you, we aim to live regeneratively, eat nutrient-dense foods, with the seasons. But looking at the facts, we know food grown in industrial agriculture is just not providing us with what we need.
“Compared to 1940, a carrot today contains 75% less magnesium.”
“1985 – 2002: Broccoli contains 80% less calcium, 62% less folic acid and 60% less magnesium.”
It has been proven that wild foods contain more nutrients, antioxidants and healing properties than foods coming from commercial agriculture. Research (6) indicates that wild fruits and vegetables are nutritionally rich and high in phytochemicals, especially antioxidants and therefore can possibly play a significant and positive role in delivering a healthy and balanced diet. Mostly because they have never been treated with herbicides or pesticides (nor has the soil) and are allowed to fully ripen before being harvested, wild foods keep their natural powers and stay nutrient-dense.
So how do we provide ourselves with these nutrient dense foods with minimal disturbance to our sacred natural spaces? Or even better, how do we eat nutrient dense food with a positive effect on our planet? We don’t want to focus on just eating sustainably, we want to eat regeneratively and create a culture of people who think holistically about their food and lifestyle choices.
Foraging Solutions
We encourage foraging for wild foods because we feel in a holistic sense that the value of getting into nature, in tune with the seasons and rooted in the local landscape will help to regenerate a culture of people who love, value and protect their natural habitat.
Plants that are edible, are edible because they want to be eaten. Either it’s a way to pollinate, or disperse seeds. Or a way to be pruned to encourage new growth, either of itself or by allowing light through to saplings below. (2)
In some cases just like coppicing a woodland, harvesting can have a positive effect. As Yun Hider (Mountain food) points out: “sea beet is often overcrowded, by removing a certain amount of leaves, we are actually encouraging growth”. (3)
In regenerative agriculture we try to mimic nature in grazing the land the way the deer, European bison or wild ponies for instance would have done many years before. The land is distrubed, grazed and fertilised for a short time before the land is resting for a long period to encourage growth, photosynthesis and soil health. If we would apply these principles to foraging, what would that look like?
Studies show foraging can actually encourage plant/fungi growth if done correctly (4); ‘The results reveal that, contrary to expectations, long-term and systematic harvesting reduces neither the future yields of fruit bodies nor the species richness of wild forest fungi, irrespective of whether the harvesting technique was picking or cutting.’
When we approach foraging the way we approach regenerative agriculture, and let the land rest in between picking we can encourage plant growth and enjoy foraging without negatively impacting our natural spaces. If you rely on a specific piece of land to provide you with wild garlic every year, it would be wise to treat this spot with the respect it deserves so it can provide you for years to come.
The study continues; ‘Forest floor trampling does, however, reduce fruit body numbers, but our data show no evidence that trampling damaged the soil mycelia in the studied time period.’ (4) So tread carefully, only take what you need for tonight’s dinner, and allow time to let nature recover in between harvests.
The UK has plenty of foraging experts who can help and guide you towards a responsible foraging approach. If you are keen on mushroom foraging in particular, we would suggest asking the help of an expert. Mushroom foraging is dangerous and can result in long term health issues or even worse. Find a nature loving foraging expert near you and educate yourself on safely selecting the most tasty edible mushrooms. Please see below some personal recommendations for foraging courses throughout the UK.
We feel, foraging can be (and mostly is) done with respect for nature. It has the potential to increase our mental and physical health and if done correctly it can even positively impact nature’s ecosystems as well. Ask for help, do your research and get out there.
- Mushroom picking does not impair future harvests – results of a long-term study in Switzerland – ScienceDirect
- Is Foraging harmful for the environment? – Bangers & Balls (
- Foraging without damaging | Food | The Guardian
- Mushroom picking does not impair future harvests – results of a long-term study in Switzerland – ScienceDirect
- Foraging, Sustainability and The Media – Galloway Wild Foods
- The role of wild fruits and vegetables in delivering a balanced and healthy diet – PubMed (
Foraging courses;