Sandy Hill BBQ Beef Box


The handmade beef burgers and sausages in this box is from organically raised and Pasture for Life certified Hereford beef:


  • 4 x 500g Beef burgers (fresh coriander, red onion, salt and pepper)
  • 4 x 500g Beef and chilli burgers (fresh chilli, red onion, salt and pepper)
  • 2 x 500g packs beef and thyme sausages (thyme, salt and pepper)
  • 2 x 500g pack of beef and chili sausages (chilli, salt and pepper)



2 in stock


About the farm:

The Sandy Hill mob is run by Matt and Laura Elliott, a first-generation farming family, tenants of the National Trust on the Sherborne and Lodge Park estate in Gloucestershire. They are farming using nature friendly, agro-ecological techniques (entirely without any artificial inputs) which includes moving their animals regularly – mob-grazing and bale-grazing. They aim is to increase biodiversity across the whole farm, while at the same time improving soil health and the health of their livestock.  The whole suckler herd of pedigree Hereford cattle live outside all year round in a family group (several generations running together). The cattle are 100% grass fed, Pasture For Life certified – they enjoy a varied diet of grasses, herbs and wildflowers all year round.

The cow in this box was a Pedigree Hereford, Organically raised and Pasture for Life certified for her entire life.

This is a great opportunity to support a family farm who are managing their land regeneratively. By buying a cow share and supporting nose to tail eating you are utilising your buying power to influence change in farming.

Don’t miss out: Refer a friend to receive 10% off your next order!*

*T&C’s apply.

Additional information

Weight 8 kg


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