Boost your immune system this Valentine’s
When it comes to creating a strong immune system – the first ideas that spring to most people’s minds are likely to be vitamin C, D and zinc. Some will think about herbs like echinacea or elderberry. Others will jump straight to getting plenty of fresh air outside.
Whilst all of these things may be helpful when it comes to the strength of our immune system, it is a very narrow and limited view of a highly complex interdependent system.
Holistic and Interconnected
Here at Primal we think through the regenerative and holistic lens – seeing everything as interwoven and interconnected. Thinking holistically, it is easy to see that your immune system will be impacted in some way by every aspect of your life. That could include the functions of all of your bodily systems, your environment, your diet and even how much connection you get with those you love, (be they in pet or human form), as just a few examples!
In order to have the strongest immune system – it seems obvious to state that your whole body needs also to be in good shape too. Taking supplements to boost your immunity may well improve specific aspects, particularly if you are deficient in certain nutrients, but it’s never going to achieve what whole system health will.
Whole system health is of course not going to appear overnight, but there are things we can each do to boost our immune system alongside our overall health and wellbeing.
Everyone knows that time spent enjoying good company is uplifting and nourishing. Feeling loving, supported and connected has a positive effect on stress levels and on the ability of the body to go into regenerative mode, (aka rest and digest). Oxytocin released during loving connection with those we love and care about, has a huge effect on our capacity to heal.
Oxytocin has the ability to undo cortisol’s effects and restore the body’s balance, improving immune function and your odds of fighting off viruses and infections. (1)
So this Valentines be sure to snuggle up with those you love to support great immunity.
Time Outdoors
Spending time outdoors in the bright light of day with clean fresh air, does wonders for overall wellbeing (2). Indoor environments with synthetic light, or light filtered through windows, along with stale or reconditioned air do not add up to great health. If you can’t get outdoors try to let some fresh air or light into your home, by opening a window or two each day. If you do have to spend most of your time indoors, look into biophilic design that embraces natural light, fresh air and nature indoors!
Many people go all out, or not at all with exercise, but we all would benefit from simply taking a short and brisk walk each day. This gently stimulates the cardiovascular system and gets the blood moving. Whatever your fitness level or goals, get yourself moving at least once a day.
Proper restorative sleep is a rarity for most people these day, but we could all be getting better quality sleep through just a few simple tricks. As soon as you get up in the morning look at natural light – either open a window and look outside. Alternatively step outside to let your bodies systems know its time to wake up! Try to stick to a regular bed time routine and head to bed at the same time each night. Avoid blue light devices and using your mobile after your evening meal each night. There are plenty of ways to mitigate the effects of blue light – so do what you can to minimise its effects on your life. Perhaps this Valentines you could experiment with a candlelit ‘blue-light free’ evening!
Eating a diverse wholefood diet including a rainbow range of colours of fruit and veg is a great start. This feeds your gut microbiome with a range of polyphenolic compounds. Meat raised on diverse pastures has also been shown to contain a broad range of health promoting phyto-nutrients! (3).
Saving the best until last….
In our opinion the best way to support wellbeing through what you eat, is to include bone broths into the weekly diet. Not only is this ‘super-soup’ rich in collagen to keep tissues plump and youthful, it is packed full of bioavailable minerals and anti-inflammatory amino acids. Many people these days are stuck in cycles of chronic inflammation and consuming bone broth offers a great way to help lessen the toll that inflammation has on all of our bodily functions – including the immune system.
Researchers found that the amino acids that were produced when making chicken stock reduced inflammation in the respiratory system and improved digestion. (4)
In summary
Our best advice for this month is to embrace Valentine’s day by making the most of the healing powers of the cuddle hormone ‘Oxytocin’ and to load up on the liquid gold, otherwise known as Bone Broth.
Why not dedicate some time to cooking a wholesome meal with a cherished ‘other’ and treat both of you to a proper Valentine’s treat.
We know your whole body, including your immune system will thank-you for it.
Buy your Nourishing Bone Broth Box now! Click HERE
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