Category: Research
Plant-based ‘meats’
Plant-based, does it literally mean that the product contains plants or is it created in a plant?
Regenerative Agriculture – the answer(s)
By Fieke van Halder
In my role supporting Caroline with Marketing and Education, I spend many hours doing research for Root of Nature courses, Wilderculture training days, Primal Web articles and Primal Meats blogs. At the end of most of those research days, I have gathered more depressing figures on the terrible situation our planet is in and what we have done to it over the last decades.
I know it’s not just me, there is a rising awareness about the harm industrial agriculture is doing to the planet, the damage it is doing to our animals’ health and our health. The facts and figures I read around the sixth mass extinction we are currently in, loss of biodiversity, deforestation and desertification make me feel utterly desperate.
What keeps me going is that I truly believe I am supporting an answer to the crises. I believe our food systems are crippled and we need to implement a solution fast.
Regenerative agriculture is becoming more mainstream, the hordes visiting @groundswell_agriculture are a great example of that. However, with it rises the skepticism and questions. In this article we will try to explain the basics of Regenerative Agriculture, the routes that can take you there and the practices that come with it.
Regenenerative Agriculture, what?
Regenerative Agriculture (Regen Ag for short) is a growing movement under both big companies (Arla, McDonalds) and smaller farms (James Rebanks, Nikki Yoxall, Wilder Gowbarrow, FAI to just name a few).
The citizen awareness is growing as well, powered by the current climate crisis. Never before have so many of us tried to make a difference with our diet choices, may it be vegan, vegetarian, foraging or eating regenerative. Most of us choose our diets because of the same principles. We want to work on restoring our climate, preserving nature and its biodiversity and improving our health. Sadly, not all diet choices seem to have the desired effect.
Let’s explore what Regen Ag is and if it could give us the desired answers from our chosen diets.
Regenerative Agriculture has only been around since the late 1980’s. In 1983, Robert Rodale of the Rodale Institute began using the term, and led the creation of the “Regenerative Agriculture Association” sometime in the 1980s. After Robert Rodale’s unexpected death in 1990, the Rodale Institute dropped the term, focusing on promoting Organic Agriculture for more than 20 years. A couple of companies including Terra Genesis started using “Regenerative Agriculture” between 2009–2013, the Rodale Institute reclaimed the term (2014) in a modified usage that they continue today: “Regenerative Organic”. (1, 2)
For a fairly ‘new’ approach, there is a lot to still figure out. Even though many of the processes and practices of regenerative agriculture have been used for many centuries.
There are many definitions;
‘Regenerative agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances ecosystem services.
By capturing carbon in soil and biomass, regenerative agriculture aims to reverse current trends of atmospheric accumulation. At the same time, it offers increased yields, resilience to climate instability, and higher health and vitality for farming communities.’
–Terra Genesis
‘Regenerative Agriculture describes farming and grazing practices that, among other benefits, reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity – resulting in both carbon drawdown and improving the water cycle’
– Regeneration International
‘Regenerative agriculture describes holistic land management practices that leverage the power of photosynthesis in plants to close the carbon cycle and build soil health, which in turn leads to improved ecosystem health, crop resiliency, and nutrient density, among other benefits’
– Kiss the Ground
Regenerative Agriculture is a way of farming that works on improving our soil health, animal health and human health. With the fantastic side effect of sequestering more carbon into the soil by improving the photosynthesis of the meadows. The livestock in this process are actually the tool that make this whole operation work.
Regen Ag, compared to other practices, is the only approach that has looked at the root cause of our current wicked problems. Problem solving, you may already know, is often done by not defining the root cause. We humans like to use a ‘quick fix’ instead of working a little bit harder to make sure problems don’t repeat themselves or even get worse. Pandemic? Sell a vaccine instead of working on your nation’s health. Climate crisis? Blame the cow farts and promote processed vegan junk food, instead of repairing your food systems. Health issues? Promote medication, instead of a healthy lifestyle, movement and healthy food.
I recently moved back to the Netherlands where currently our farmers are on strike (and have been striking on and off since 2019) because of new Nitrogen laws put into place by our government. A law (max use of 170kg Nitrogen per acre per year) (4) designed with, I’m sure, the right intentions but certainly not the desired effect. As the second largest export nation of agricultural goods, these laws will mean many farmers will have to shut their family businesses because they can’t afford to abide by the new legislation put into place. Vandana Shiva can put it into words much better than I can;
In modern society, we are very comfortable operating within a mechanistic (3) paradigm but often need to work on our capacity to work with the complexity of nature – this is at the heart of why we have destroyed the very ecosystems that sustain our lives.
One of the most exciting outcomes of regenerative agriculture is that it restores the very ecological functions that cooled our climate millions of years ago and created the conditions that allowed humans to emerge. We can leverage these ecological principles and processes once again to achieve carbon net-zero and beyond.
Depending on how you have ‘arrived’ at regenerative agriculture will influence how you describe it. Any definition of regenerative agriculture must evolve over time, like the whole living systems that we aim to regenerate.
Routes to Regen Ag
There are multiple ways you may discover and farmers may adopt regenerative agriculture, and the possible routes will expand as more training offerings are developed.
Below, Ethan Soloviev, a leader in the regenerative agriculture movement, describes the five most common ‘lineages’;
- Rodale Organic: The focus is soil. “Regeneration” is a combination of 40-year-tested conservation farming practices — cover cropping, crop rotation, compost, low- or no-till.
- Permaculture/Regrarians: A strong focus on small-scale design and unproven beliefs about reversing climate change, this lineage of Regenerative Agriculture tends towards ideals from the human potential movement, focusing on how to create “thriving” and “abundance” for all.
- Holistic Management: Promoted by both the Savory Institute and Holistic Management International, focusing on a comprehensive decision-making framework designed for animal-centric ecosystem regeneration.
- Regenerative Paradigm; Guided by the Carol Sanford Institute, a small but effective community of praxis including Regenesis, Terra Genesis International, Regen Network and others has applied the paradigm to Business, Design, Planning, Education, and Agriculture.
- Soil profits/no-till/NRCS: Typified and led by Ray Archuleta, Gabe Brown, and others, this lineage draws practices and inspiration from other Lineages but appeals strongly to conventional farmers by eschewing the dogmas of organic agriculture and focusing on bottom line profits through increased soil health.
Knowing from what ‘lineage’ an organisation is communicating helps to understand their language and possibly even further develop their work.
Features of Regen Ag
Soloviev describes; ‘More and more organizations, individuals, and businesses will start to claim that what they are doing is “regenerative” without changing how they are thinking or even what they are doing.’ What is fundamental to Regenerative Agriculture is that it requires a different way of thinking, a mind shift if you will. Which is exactly why a certification is not the answer for Regen Ag. As soon as we start using certifications, we risk turning Regen Ag into a box ticking exercise and miss out on understanding the root cause of the change that is needed for each individual farm.
You can be fluent in the practices and science behind regenerative agriculture. Still, until you change the way you think and adopt a wider, more holistic perspective when making decisions, then you will never be able to manage in a truly regenerative way long into the future.
Instead, we define the following 4 features;
- Principles not practises:
Regenerative agriculture is based on ecological principles.
Practitioners learn ecological principles. With support, each farmer must take these principles and work out what tools and practices are appropriate for their unique context.
Some farmers may come into the movement from an interest in soil health or grassland productivity practices and follow a prescriptive plan. This may yield some regenerative outcomes, but if the principles and thinking behind the practices are not fully understood, results can be frustrating and limited. - Holistic paradigm:
To fully understand and adopt regenerative agriculture, you must see the world as a living system of which you are part.
In regenerative agriculture, decisions are made ‘holistically’ considering the social, ecological and economic impact of the choice, both short and long term. - Outcomes not standards:
The only way to measure success in regenerative agriculture is to measure the outcomes. You don’t know if your practices are regenerative until you can see they have improved the ecosystem processes.
Ethan Soloviev (mentioned above) proposes; ‘that there is no such thing as a “Regenerative Agriculture Practice” — only systemic outcomes can confirm that regeneration is taking place.
Savory’s ‘Ecological Outcome Verification’ is a great way to prove that a product has been grown from a farm that is regenerating its ecosystems. It measures the improvements in ecosystem processes which allows management to be unique and ever-changing within each farm context. - Unique to its place and people:
Because regenerative agriculture is based on principles practised by individuals and communities in their unique environmental and cultural context, it will look completely different from place to place.
Regenerative agriculture should emerge from learning the principles and trying different practices to see which get the best regenerative outcomes for your unique situation. The farmers’ approach will evolve and adapt to their family’s changing needs over the generations and changes in climate and economic pressures, etc.
Just as an ecosystem has niches, regenerative agriculture will have advisors, trainers and coaches who occupy their niche within the ecosystem, each bringing a different perspective and range of expertise.
There is great potential in Regenerative Agriculture, and we are not anywhere close to achieving it. I think streamlining the definition, principles and practises of Regen Ag could help clarify the movement. What we can do in the meantime is work on educating folk on the need for change and the tools at our disposal.
Still unclear? Listen to this excellent podcast by FarmGate:
- Regenerative Agriculture Industry Map | by Ethan Soloviev | Medium
- Lineages of Regenerative Agriculture (Short Version) | by Ethan Soloviev | Medium
- Frontiers | What Is Regenerative Agriculture? A Review of Scholar and Practitioner Definitions Based on Processes and Outcomes (
- Veranderingen mestbeleid 2022 (
Antibiotics – What have they done for our health?
By Teri Clayton
Penicillin was discovered in 1929 and developed commercially following World War II. Interestingly Alexander Fleming – who discovered and named penicillin, warned in a New York Times interview in 1945 that improper use of penicillin would lead to the development of resistant bacteria. Fleming had noticed as early as 1929, that many bacteria were already resistant to penicillin, well before it was even developed commercially.
Since the mass adoption of antibiotics, we have contaminated the entire globe with huge quantities of these synthetic anti-biological compounds. According to physician and researcher Stuart Levy, these antibiotics are not easily biodegradable;
‘They can remain intact in the environment unless they are destroyed by high temperatures, or other physical damage such as ultraviolet light from the sun. As active antibiotics they continue to kill off susceptible bacteria with which they have contact’ (1).
Stuart Levy
The environmental contamination with antibiotics comes from all areas of civilisation – from factory waste, sewerage, intensive factory farming and household waste, as well as contamination through pet droppings, to mention but a few.
Levy explains that this environmental contamination has stimulated unparalleled evolutionary changes.
Evolutionary processes are always powerfully initiated when living organisms are put under survival pressure. Using antibiotics in such a widespread way, has put huge selective pressure on bacteria (and all life) throughout the globe.
The penicillin based antibiotics target and kill bacteria through interfering with their cell wall production. This selective killing of bacteria with a cell wall, inevitably favours the growth of an imbalanced number of bacteria that:
- do not have a cell wall, (such as mycoplasma bacteria)
- have evolved to become penicillin resistant
On top of this imbalance we need also to take into account the disruption in the delicate balance between bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses that results from antibiotic use.
This is not good news for people, ecosystems, or the health of the planet overall.
An obvious area where the imbalancing effects of antibiotics are beginning to show is in human health. For example it is highly likely, (perhaps inevitable), that the widespread use of antibiotics, particularly in humans, livestock and dairy animals, has led to higher levels of Mycoplasma organisms such as Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (MAP) and a rise in the infections caused by such organisms. MAP is now thought to be a causative agent in the development of Crohn’s disease and can be found even in pasteurised milk, (2). Mycobacterium pneumoniae is now a common pathogen leading to walking pneumonia, causing respiratory symptoms ranging from mild to severe,(3). One has to stop and ask if our overuse of antibiotics has led to an explosion in respiratory infections caused by mycoplasmas and if they may have played some secondary role in varying levels of disease severity during the recent pandemic.
Research suggests that bacteria that have a cell wall have retained the capacity to return to an earlier point in their evolution, where they did not produce a cell wall, as a back up plan for if their ability to produce a cell wall is compromised.
‘….. bacteria can live without a cell wall may have been retained by modern cells as a back-up process for use when cell wall synthesis is compromised’ (4)
When we begin to step back and take a look at the bigger picture of how our use of pharmaceuticals in health and agriculture has altered the course of evolution – it gets even more worrying. We are now beginning to recognise that the seemingly unrelated use of glyphosate may accelerate the development of antibiotic resistance in some disease causing pathogens such as certain strains of E.coli, Salmonella sp and others (5).
‘Some glyphosate-resistant E. coli and Pseudomonas strains contain a gene coding for an ABC transporter that enhances the efflux of glyphosate from the cell. Such resistance mechanisms may have led to the cross-resistance against antibiotics observed for E. coli, Salmonella sp. and other environmental bacteria.’ (5)
It is clear that mass antibiotic use cannot help but have an effect on ecosystem health and the way microbes evolve. What is not so clear is how this story progresses, if we continue to follow the reductionist approach of targeting symptoms of disease, instead of addressing root causes.
With such a careless attitude to the use of antibiotics, weedkillers and other anti-biological chemicals in our environment, shared by the majority of civilised society – we urgently need to re-educate one another if we are to stop causing further damage. As we reach the end of the road for chemical warfare, it appears we are now transitioning into an even more devastating approach of genetic alteration of microbes and technological augmentation of natural systems. This would deal a devastating blow for human health, taking us even further from addressing the root cause – imbalance – of all modern disease.
The solution has always been and will always be – facilitating greater balance and as prompt a return as possible to homeostasis. This can only result from as much diversity of organisms as possible, evolving together to achieve an overall state of balance. This is why the planet needs regeneration so urgently. The regeneration of the planet necessarily involves the regeneration of human health and this is utterly reliant on the health of the environments in which us humans live.
Ultimately we will discover that human health is rooted in the health of the soil beneath our feet and until we all play our part in its restoration, we will suffer the painful consequences of the imbalances we keep creating.
- Stuart Levy, The Antibiotic Paradox (NY:Plenum Press, 1992), 94
Report; ‘Soil health: a national security profile’
Report identifies poor soil health as national security threat.
A report, Soil health: a national security profile, launched today by the Food & Global Security Network, calls on ministers to formally recognise healthy soil as a strategic asset, critical for maintaining food and societal security.
It says that defence departments globally should work with departments for agriculture and the environment to jointly oversee delivery of increased food sovereignty within nations and the regeneration of soil function. In the UK, the Ministry of Defence should work with Defra.
Ffinlo Costain, chief executive of Farmwel and founder of the Food & Global Security Network, said;
‘The right to affordable nutrition underpins peace and civil stability, but the impacts of climate disruption and biodiversity loss are already affecting food production. If we see a 2C rise in global temperatures, which now seems increasingly likely, we could experience extreme disruption in global food supplies. When food is scarce, prices rise, inequality increases and simmering resentments can turn rapidly into conflict and even war. Healthy soil and a balanced ecosystem are critical for food sovereignty and a peaceful society.’
Soil health: a national security profile was published by the Food & Global Security Network, a project of Farmwel, supported by FAI Farms.
The report profiles the critical importance of soil health through the independent writings of 22 experts – military minds, NGO leaders, scientists and practical farmers. Writers include Rear Admiral Neil Morisetti (the UK’s former Climate and Energy Security Envoy), Patrick Holden, Øistein Thorsen, Sue Pritchard, Martin Lines, Walter Jehne, Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin and George Young.
Global security is maintained by taking steps to mitigate future threats. Now, in addition to traditional state-on-state or intra-state threats, we face non-traditional threats, the most important of which can be characterised as ‘ecological breakdown’.
The extreme weather events associated with global warming, coupled with the loss of biodiversity and soil structure, could have devastating impacts on harvests around the world. While food scarcity is a recognised accelerant of instability, it is soil biodiversity in particular that is critical in minimising and mitigating this risk.
Ffinlo Costain said;
‘We urge governments and food businesses to take the security risks associated with soil degradation and ecological breakdown extremely seriously. We see agroecology as a low risk and low cost solution that can mitigate the security threats connected with poor soil health. With COP26 in sight, agroecology and regenerative farming can produce great food locally and at scale, while greatly accelerating carbon drawdown, regenerating biodiversity, and managing precipitation to provide greater drought resilience and better flood protection.’
Useful links
- Website Food and Security:
- Watch the recording of the webinar here.
Plant-based diets
Should we be more cautious?
These days, everyone has likely heard someone talking about the health benefits of eating a plant-based diet. There are many science-backed claims to suggest that many people benefit – in the short term at least, from a plant-based diet. But as with all conclusions drawn from current science – we have only just begun to scratch the surface of where the science will eventually lead us.
Many of our Primal Meats customers have come to us because they have tried to follow a plant-based diet for a range of very good reasons; ethics, environmental concerns or in an attempt to be healthy. Sadly in many cases, the strict diet has led to deterioration not an improvement in their health.
We are just beginning to understand that every person is unique in their capacity to digest and absorb nutrition from their food. This is not simply due to individual genetic variations and which genes are switched on or off, but in larger part by the make-up of an individual’s gut microbiome. The gut microbiome is a huge piece of the puzzle when it comes to what diet works best for an individual and the research in this area will show us in time how we can optimise our digestion and nutrient absorption.
We cover some of the potential health issues that emerge from eliminating animal food in the video below but something that hasn’t received much attention is the issues that can be caused by the plant-based compound oxalic acid.
Oxalic acid
Anyone that has suffered the awful pain and organ damage of kidney stones, is painfully familiar with the effects of this compound. Oxalic acid is the compound that leads to the formation of calcium oxalate crystals that form kidney stones and can cause recurrent urinary tract infections too.
Whilst Doctors advise people who suffer from kidney stones to follow a low oxalate diet – being more aware of oxalic acid and oxalates may benefit all of us.
Oxalic acid on its own is harmless – but when it binds to calcium it forms calcium oxalate nanocrystals. These crystals take a formation, known as raphides (1) or to be more scientific – prismatic monoclinic crystals – which are basically mini needles. By the time these crystal structures have grown large enough to form stones, they will have already been irritating the tissues in which they are present for some time.
Some other conditions that may be associated with these oxalate crystals include:
- problems related to inflammation
- auto-immunity
- mitochondrial dysfunction
- mineral balance
- Issues with connective tissue
- urinary tract issues
- poor gut function
Oxalic acid can harm glandular, connective and neurological function and the function of the tissues of excretion, particularly the kidneys and bladder (2)
These crystals, if allowed to form in the body, cause a lot of destruction and the body’s best defence is to excrete them quickly via the kidneys into the urine.
The body is very good at removing these calcium oxalates when they are produced in normal amounts and when a person’s physiology is working as it should, but the problem arises when too much oxalic acid is consumed, or when too many oxalate crystals are absorbed through the gut lining or form in the body.
Humans have evolved to eat a diverse seasonal diet – this has a powerful protective effect because seasonal food is only available for brief periods. This seasonality of food prevents us from consuming any particular plant in excess and prevents our bodies from getting overloaded.
Our modern-day lifestyle however is out of sync with seasonality – especially plant-based diets. We can now import certain plant foods all year round, as well as grow many indoors.
Whilst spinach would grow slowly, if at all through the winter in the UK, now people can eat copious amounts of spinach every day of the year and add it to their ‘healthy’ smoothies, along with loads of other superfood powders that can be very high in oxalic acid too.
Spinach is just one example of foods that are high in oxalic acid – there are many more healthy plant foods, such as chard and even green and black tea that contain high levels.
We certainly need to look further into the potential implications of a diet high in oxalic acid for otherwise healthy people. But regardless of what the science reveals about the potential pitfalls of high oxalic acid diets, the advice that I offer remains unchanged.
We should be eating a diverse, fresh, seasonal diet, grown the way nature intended, in or on healthy soil. It is seasonal diversity that allows us to moderate our diet and protects us from excessive consumption of compounds.
For those that have followed a plant-based diet for a long time and that have suffered from kidney stones or other chronic health issues – it may be worthwhile researching the effects of a build-up of calcium oxalate crystals and seeking out professional nutritional support to help your body cleanse them from your system.
Wild about wild game
The ultimate ancestral health experience has got to be hunting your own wild game meat; for some, however, this is just a step too far!
Luckily there is another way. We have made it super easy for you and work with a team in Cumbria who supply all of our wild game meats from a range of Estates throughout the Region.
I think wild game is some of the most nutritious and delicious meat you can eat and it has some pretty impressive credentials too:
- Wild game meat is sustainable.
Unlike many farmed types of meat that require human-managed resources including; cereals, medicines, bedding, care and transportation, the wild game lives in our natural spaces living from an existing ecosystem that requires no input. In the absence of natural predators, our ruminant populations have to be managed to avoid overgrazing, buying wild game can play an important role in helping Estates manage the land better.
- Wild game meat is usually high welfare.
The animals have lived wild in their natural environment expressing natural behaviours? When it comes to the point of death, wild game is shot or killed in its wild habitat – no transportation; no pens; no crushes – a quick and skilled shot will dispatch the animal before it has had time to suffer or comprehend the process.
- Wild game meat is healthy.
Wild game is exactly the same meat as our ancestors ate before we domesticated animals. It comes with all the benefits of living in a wild, healthy and diverse ecosystem; a superb omega 3 to omega 6 ratios of essential fatty acids, higher levels of fat-soluble vitamins that found in grain-fed meats, no antibiotic residues and far less chance of exposure to pesticides and agricultural toxins. As discussed in our blog ‘Grass-fed meat more than just omega 3’ grazers who have access to wild herbs, plants and trees will benefit from ingesting high ‘doses’ of health-promoting phytochemicals that are passed to humans through the meat. You can think of wild herbivores as ‘upcycling’ nutrients from plants we humans cannot eat from the healthiest and most diverse habitats.
Stalking experience
I am fanatical about animal welfare and wanted to see for myself how humane this deer stalking really is. Stephen and I had the privilege of accompanying a stalker on a large Scottish Highland estate to see what’s involved in shooting a red stag for our freezer.
I can’t emphasise enough the skill and understanding of the landscape and the animals a stalker must-have. They ‘live and breathe’ the estate, are familiar with every nook and cranny of the area, and will know the movements and individual animals in the herds that occupy their land. Don’t confuse them with jodhpur-clad rosy-cheeked folk who love to chase animals around!
The stalker should always be out of sight and downwind so that the deer won’t associate people with danger – this would make their job impossible. The stalker’s job is to maintain a healthy herd of animals; this happens through careful culling to avoid any animal suffering from starvation or injury. The real skill is to take animals nearing the end of their life, not integral to the future of the herd, but still in good enough condition to provide great venison.
A stalker may also increase the income potential further by taking a client stalking and under supervision allowing them to take the kill. Clients are required to prove they are ‘up to the job’ by shooting practice targets before going into the hills.
In our experience, we crawled on our bellies for hours waiting for the right moment. We then got a closer look at a herd of stags we had been stalking in the distance. Through the binoculars, we could see a grazing stag who was apparently a ‘10 pointer’; an older stag who was healthy but ageing and may not survive another harsh winter.
Our stalker took aim with his high powered rifle and in an instant the stag dropped to the floor. There was no kicking or movement. The rest of the herd took flight – they had no idea what had happened, but the noise scared them into the distance.
On closer inspection, our stag was killed instantly with a lethal shot to the neck. I couldn’t believe how much more humane this was than transporting an animal in a trailer into an unfamiliar abattoir to be slaughtered. No stress, no fear – no knowledge of the event at all!
The deer is bled and gutted on the moorland – it just disappears into the ground, as essential minerals and food for wildlife.
If you want to see a stalker in the highlands in action and watch the full process then, this video shows it all.
In terms of land management and ethics, there is much debate about the impact deer stalking estates have on the environment and wildlife. Just like farming, there are estates that are well managed where biodiversity and wildlife are valued, and those who falsely inflate populations with profit in mind and negatively impact the ecology.
In addition to the year-round venison we can offer from Cumbrian estates we are hoping to soon offer shares of whole venison from one of our partner farms and estates who are transitioning to regenerative agriculture or Wilderculture so looking to reduce their deer population.
If you would like to put your name on our waiting list for this then please email [email protected].
As for cooking wild game, there’s a wealth of fantastic recipes and ideas for cooking every wild furry and feathery beast you can imagine online. It’s actually no more difficult than cooking with beef or lamb – it’s just a bit unfamiliar at first.
Take a look at ‘game-to-eat’ for starters.
Venison is great throughout the year and can be enjoyed in versatile dishes such as the venison ragu above. As the first leaves start to fall from the trees however is the time I most love cooking and eating wild game, it is the essence of hunkering down for the cosy seasons.
Venison is rich in flavour and delicious and once you have tried it I am sure you will find many ways of substituting other meats in your favourite recipes.
Wild Boar Leg Steaks£4.85
Wild Boar shoulder boned and rolled£16.50 – £33.00
Wild Boar haunch boned and rolled£19.00 – £38.00
Is your terrain healthy?
The symmetry between my work in regenerative agriculture and studying human health never ceases to amaze me.
Our understanding of the function of the soil is accelerating at breakneck speed and yet leading soil ecologists admit we probably know less than 1% of what is really happening in the soil below our feet.
Early farmers better understood the importance of soil health even though they may not have had the science to explain what was really going on. Pre-war, mixed farming understood the need for rotation, composting of manure, and building humus through grazed grass fallows so our soil could feed our plants and abate disease.
The green revolution – led by the brightest and best reductionist scientists – focused on specialisation for production. The soil was considered a medium to hold up a plant rather than a living system; consequently, it was treated like dirt!
In these decades billions of pounds of research were poured into better understanding how to manage plants and animals to achieve high outputs. Nearly all of the current agricultural practices and recommendations were shaped and influenced by the research into what is required to make a plant grow.
Based on these findings we decided upon the most important nutrients to use for plant growth (N, P, K), we bred the species of plants that best responded to those nutrient applications, and we chose the breeds of livestock that fattened quickest on these specialised grasses and grains.
Unfortunately, with our eye pressed firmly to the microscope lens, we completely missed a fundamental factor; that a plant is in fact a holobiont.
A holobiont is an assemblage of a host and the many other species living in or around it, which together form a discrete ecological unit.
Unlike a human whose gut is enclosed within a physical body, a plant’s gut is made up of the living organisms in and around the root zone in healthy living soil. These organisms solubilise the minerals that plants can’t access and ‘feed’ the plants in exchange for sugars made in photosynthesis.
When studying a plant in a lab, the soils used for the experiments are sterilised and homogenized so scientists can ensure a consistent experiment. There are ZERO living organisms in that soil!
Without these organisms, a plant essentially has a stomach but no gut. The plant is only able to take up a tiny fraction of the nutrients floating in the soluble pool. It responds dramatically to additions of N, P, K because it STARVES otherwise!
This is the equivalent of studying how humans digest food by thinking of our stomach as a furnace that simply delivers calories of energy and our colon as simply as helpful waste plumbing!
Oh, wait!
Pasteur vs. Béchamp
At a critical juncture in the development of science in human health, there were two friends who had developed two very different theories for the cause of disease in humans.
Louis Pasteur with his germ theory and Antoine Béchamp with his terrain theory.
Germ theory proposed that microorganisms were the cause of many diseases; this paved the way for antibiotics and vaccines for which most of us are very grateful today.
Béchamp claimed to have discovered that the “molecular granulations” in biological fluids were actually the elementary units of life. He named them microzymas—that is, “tiny enzymes”—and credited them with producing both enzymes and cells while “evolving” amid favourable conditions into multicellular organisms.
Béchamp also denied that bacteria could invade a healthy animal and cause disease, claiming instead that unfavourable host and environmental conditions destabilise the host’s native microzymas and decompose host tissue by producing pathogenic bacteria.
Unlike the germ theory, the terrain theory explains why some people get sick while others, when exposed to the same pathogens, do not.
As with most things, there is truth within both of these theories. Unfortunately in the West we have adopted germ theory to the expulsion of almost every other theory of health. Our medical research, theories, practices and protocols are almost entirely through the tinted lens of germ theory.
What we have learned from studying ecology and applying it to our regenerative agriculture systems is that when an ecosystem is in an early stage of succession – such as after a volcanic eruption or fire or damaged by modern agriculture practices – the limited diversity and complexity of the ecology facilitates the boom and bust in populations of organisms. The sort of organisms that thrive here we often call ‘weeds, docks, thistles, willow herb for example.
However, in a natural system, an ecosystem will gradually increase in diversity and the connections between these organisms become highly interactive. Instead of a species of bird only having one species of insect to eat it has ten, in turn, those insects have thirty species of plant to thrive on instead of two and pollinators have hundreds of flowers to feed upon. The whole system thrives regardless of whether it’s a dry year or a wet year – there’s always some species doing well.
Similarly, in the soil the complexity of organisms increases in step with the above-ground ecology. Different plant species produce root exudates, each with a variety of different nutrients and chemical signals which then interact with a wide range of soil organisms, each with a specialism such as nitrogen fixation, phosphorus uptake or trace element scavenging.
In these complex systems, mycorrhizal fungi extend the reach of plants and connect plants together so they can share nutrients and protective plant chemicals. The whole system becomes more resilient and resistant to disease, drought and flood.
In regenerative systems, we encourage farmers to reframe ‘weeds’ and instead think of them as an indicator of a system out of balance. Organisms can only thrive when we create the perfect conditions for them to thrive.
When farmers use a herbicide to kill the ‘weeds’ it further reduces the complexity of the whole system leading to more weeds. As an alternative we can advance the system complexity beyond the conditions that suit the dominant organism. This can be done by adding more species into the sward and in a cropping rotation introducing diverse herbal leys.
Meanwhile, since the 1990’s we have been discovering that us humans also have a system of microorganisms that is a lot like a functional soil food web.
We, humans, are actually composed mostly of microbes. Estimates vary but probably in the region of 100 trillion of them. Microbes outnumber our human cells ten to one, weigh more than 2kg and the number of genes in one person’s microbiome is 200 times the number of genes in the human genome.
Most of our soil food web lives in our gut, particularly the large intestine. The microbiome is the genetic material of all the microbes – bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses – that live on and inside the human body.
Just like in the holobiont that makes up the plant and soil these organisms help and benefit us in far more ways than they cause us disease.
Many help us to digest food, support our immune system and produce important nutrients such as B vitamins B12, thiamine and riboflavin, and Vitamin K, which is needed for blood coagulation and so so much more.
A healthy microbiome has been shown to influence our ability to maintain a healthy weight and maintain a positive state of mind. It can even drive our behaviours, happiness and addictions.
Autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia are associated with dysfunction in the microbiome. Autoimmune diseases appear to be passed on in families not by DNA inheritance but by inheriting the family’s microbiome.
The field of epigenetics is exploding and I have no doubt that over time we will learn nearly every expression of a gene is influenced by our environmental conditions including the health of our internal ecosystem.
So equally when we disrupt our internal ecosystem then our gene expression and overall health suffers.
Interestingly what damages our complex and resilient soil food web in the soil too is highly damaging to our human microbiome.
Tillage, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, irrigation with toxic water, antibiotic use and additions of highly digestible nutrients leads to damage and destruction of the complex, diverse and health-supporting microbiome and facilitates creation of a simplified low successional environment that is more prone to population explosions of pathogenic organisms.
“Antibiotics kill or inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and cause dramatic changes in normal human microbial communities… previously established colonies may be overtaken by colonies of different and potentially pathogenic species.”
In human health, a diet of refined foods laced with these farm chemicals is surely going to reduce the complexity of your own internal defence system. In addition, most people are not only exposed to the antibiotics fed to livestock but are taking multiple courses of these microbiome disrupting interventions over their lifetime along with an increasing number and variety of other pharmaceuticals.
The incredible advances in medicine have made it possible to kill the ‘weeds’ that cause us people so many issues but with every intervention, we are reducing our capacity for resilience.
At what point will we start to look at the root cause – our drastically simplified inner ecology. In our modern world – especially the West, we now have a population whose internal ecosystem is in the lowest stages of ecological succession. We make perfect hosts for invading pathogens.
Unless we want to stay on a treadmill of ‘weed killers’ with ever diminishing effectiveness and increasingly severe unintended consequences, we have to proactively rebuild our health and well being. It’s not in the interest of those selling the weed killers to encourage this – it’s up to us.
Just as in nature, we need to add diversity and build connections. We need to redesign the way we grow food towards life-enhancing systems and build a healthy, complex and robust microbiome.
Eat many different real whole foods grown in healthy soils, spend time in the sun, spend time in nature, drink lots of pure natural water, take functional and restorative exercise, get a good night’s sleep, manage your stress and build a strong sense of community.
We will continue to explore the pro-active and pro-nature ways of building resilience through our primal living series.
Livestock are not the global warming enemy.
ffinlo Costain is the chief executive of Farmwel, a think tank working on climate and food security.
Farmers own and manage more than 70 per cent of land in the UK. Unfortunately, many of them feel marginalised and threatened by the current focus on ruminant methane in causing global warming. However, this focus is ill-informed and runs the risk of alienating precisely the constituency we must inspire in the race to mitigate and adapt to climate change, restore biodiversity, and increase our food security. It could also drive dangerously unsustainable land use and the further intensification of animal and arable agriculture.
New science, by a team of researchers for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), based at the University of Oxford, categorically shows that methane from the UK’s ruminants is not causing global warming – instead ruminants provide a viable pathway to net zero emissions from UK agriculture by 2030.1,2,3
Although livestock produce methane almost constantly, the focus on their emissions is misleading – it’s the warming impact of those emissions that actually matters.
Grass-based cattle and sheep systems can be climate neutral by 2030, and help to restore biodiversity and soil health
Far from being unsustainable, as many people have argued, grass-based cattle and sheep systems can be climate neutral by 2030, and they can help to restore biodiversity and soil health.
For the full article
New Improved Methane Methodology.
A solution to the misrepresentations of CO2-equivalent emissions of short-lived climate pollutants under ambitious mitigation
In June 2018 new research was published by International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scientists from Oxford Martin School, Oxford University. The research improves upon the methodology currently defining the global warming potential of different greenhouse gases.
The researchers said, “Current climate change policy suggests a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to dealing with emissions, but there are two distinct types of emissions. We must treat these two groups differently.” (Professor Dave Frame)
“Long-lived pollutants, like carbon dioxide, persist in the atmosphere, building up over centuries. The CO2 created by burning coal in the 18th Century is still affecting the climate today.” On the other hand, “Short-lived pollutants, like methane, disappear within a few years. Their effect on the climate is important, but very different from that of CO2.” (Dr Michelle Cain)
While cumulative carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions dominate anthropogenic warming over centuries, temperatures over the coming decades are also strongly affected by short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), complicating the estimation of cumulative emission budgets for ambitious mitigation goals. Using conventional Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) to convert SLCPs to “CO2-equivalent” emissions misrepresents their impact on global temperature. Here we show that peak warming under a range of mitigation scenarios is determined by a linear combination of cumulative CO2 emissions to the time of peak warming and non-CO2 radiative forcing immediately prior to that time. This may be understood by expressing aggregate non-CO2 forcing as cumulative CO2 forcing-equivalent (CO2-fe) emissions. We show further that contributions to CO2-fe emissions are well approximated by a new usage of GWP, denoted GWP*, which relates cumulative CO2 emissions to date with the current rate of emission of SLCPs. GWP* accurately indicates the impact of emissions of both long-lived and short-lived pollutants on radiative forcing and temperatures over a wide range of timescales, including under ambitious mitigation when conventional GWPs fail. Measured by GWP*, implementing the Paris Agreement would reduce the expected rate of warming in 2030 by 28% relative to a No Policy scenario. Expressing mitigation efforts in terms of their impact on future cumulative emissions aggregated using GWP* would relate them directly to contributions to future warming, better informing both burden-sharing discussions and long-term policies and measures in pursuit of ambitious global temperature goals.
Livestock: On our plates or eating at our table? A new analysis of the feed/food debate.
86% of the global livestock feed intake in dry matter consists of feed materials that are not currently edible for humans
Contrary to commonly cited figures, 1 kg of meat requires 2.8 kg of human-edible feed for ruminants and 3.2 for monogastrics
Livestock consume one third of global cereal production and uses about 40% of global arable land
Livestock use 2 billion ha of grasslands, of which about 700 million could be used as cropland
Modest improvements in feed conversion ratios can prevent further expansion of arable land dedicated to feed production.
Livestock contribute to food security by supplying essential macro- and micro-nutrients, providing manure and draught power, and generating income. But they also consume food edible by humans and graze on pastures that could be used for crop production.
Livestock, especially ruminants, are often seen as poor converters of feed into food products. This paper analyses global livestock feed rations and feed conversion ratios, with specific insight on the diversity in production systems and feed materials.
Results estimate that livestock consume 6 billion tonnes of feed (dry matter) annually – including one third of global cereal production – of which 86% is made of materials that are currently not eaten by humans. In addition, soybean cakes, which production can be considered as main driver or land-use, represent 4% of the global livestock feed intake.
Producing 1 kg of boneless meat requires an average of 2.8 kg human-edible feed in ruminant systems and 3.2 kg in monogastric systems. While livestock is estimated to use 2.5 billion ha of land, modest improvements in feed use efficiency can reduce further expansion.