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Welcome to Primal Meats

Welcome! We're all about providing the best meats, including 100% grass-fed, Organic and Free-range, for your health needs. We are completely tailored to popular Ancestral Health Diets to help you find the right meats for your health journey.

We're passionate about high animal welfare and being more than sustainable, we're regenerative.

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Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00 Model Farm, Hildersley, Ross on Wye, HR9 7NN 01989 567663 [email protected]

Author: Caroline Grindrod

Grass-fed: Are our expectations always met?

Many of us have found inspiration in various Paleo and primal books from across the pond. They highlight the benefits of eating grass-fed meat over mass-produced grain-fed beef. In the UK, we don’t tend to see huge concentrated animal feed operations, but does this mean all our UK beef and lamb is 100% grass-fed? We’re going to talk you through the expectations of ‘grass-fed meat’ and what some supermarkets and farmers mean when they say ‘grass-fed’.

grass fed lamb

The taste and quality difference

The taste and quality difference between grass-fed and grain-fed meats could be endlessly debated. We tend to choose grass-fed meats for their health-boosting qualities, but how do they boost our health? They hold higher nutrient quality, higher omega-3 content, and healthier omega-3 to omega-6 ratios.
Studies show that grass finished meats can have 3-5 times as many omega-3 fatty acids as grain-fed meats, depending on various factors like the quality of the grazing pasture. Omega-3 has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, depression, dementia and arthritis.
100% grass-fed meat, therefore, has a much higher quality of nutrients, taste and even a better impact on the environment.


The problem with modern diets

Omega-6 is a fatty acid that is contained within both grain-fed and grass-fed meat in relatively similar quantities. In most modern diets, omega-6 is often eaten excessively. In healthy traditional cultures the ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids would be 1:1 or 1:2, this ratio has been shown to have a health promoting effect on humans. (1)
Modern diets are high in vegetable oils, grains, and processed foods. These diets tend to create an omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio of up to 1:20. This is a serious problem, eating too many omega-6 fatty acids can reduce the benefits of omega-3. This occurs because the omegas compete for the enzymes and micronutrients in our bodies. This could mean that even though you are eating omega-3, your body may not be making use of it.
A key issue we face with modern diets is the imbalance between our intake of omega-3 and omega-6. By choosing 100% grass-fed meat over grain-fed or even grain-finished meats gives you the chance to increase your omega-3 consumption and balance out your overall intake to a healthier ratio of 1:2.


Belted galloway beef

The Benefits of 100% Grass-fed meats

You can gain the most nutrients from animals who have been on an entirely pasture diet (grass and other plant species found in grasslands). When animals are reared for meat and have eaten a 100% grass-fed diet the concentration of the beneficial nutrients within the flesh of the animal are far higher. One of the fatty acids that is particularly desirable within the meat of grass finished animals is Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). CLA is a type of polyunsaturated fat and is found at levels 2-3 times higher in grass-fed meat than in grain-fed meat. CLA is thought to help protect against heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. (2, 3)


What animals can be ‘100% grass fed’?

The term grass-fed is only applicable to ruminant animals that would naturally have a pasture-based diet. Omnivores, like pigs, will eat grass and scratch around in pasture but it is unlikely they will be finished on just grass for the commercial market.
In the UK, we don’t see huge concentrated animal feeding operations like those in the USA, however most farms will use grains in one form or another to ‘finish’ their cattle, lambs and mutton ewes.


Pasture for life

So, how do we identify ‘pasture for life’ and ‘100% grass-fed’ meats?

Meat from 100% grass-fed animals will contain carotenoids such as beta-carotene – these are the precursors to vitamin A. A good way to identify nutritious beef and lamb is to look at the fat on the meat; if it slightly yellow and cream coloured it means it is rich in carotenoids which are a good indication that the animal has had a grass finished diet (4).
Vitamin E is also crucial when analysing the quality and freshness of meat; it can help extend shelf life. Grass-fed meat, that is higher in vitamin E, will perform better in high temperature cooking over grain-fed meat. This means it is even more important to select grass-fed meat when selecting steak and burger cuts (5).
The UK is home to a wide diversity of livestock farms who have a range of rearing systems. To presume all UK meat is grass-fed would be misleading. What is important to know is that there are no specific labelling laws governing the term ‘grass-fed’; this means the term is used to cover a variety of animal rearing systems. ‘Grass-fed’ could cover animals who have had a short time on pasture and are then cereal fed until slaughter, it could also cover those animals who have been grazed naturally their whole lives. This means even if meat is labelled ‘grass-fed’ it doesn’t mean they haven’t had any grains.
There are a limited number of farmers, in the UK, finishing their animals exclusively on grass and nutrient dense pasture crops, like red clover and lucerne. There is only one recognised certification program for ‘100% grass-fed’ or ‘pasture-fed’ meat; the Pasture Fed Livestock Association are working hard to get more farmers to sell their meat under the PFLA certificate. The chances are if your meat is not certified by the PFLA then your farmer will probably be finishing their ‘local grass-fed meat’ on grains.


Don’t get caught out:

It’s important to know the crucial time for animals to be grass-fed is in the 80-90 days prior to slaughter, this falls within most UK livestock’s ‘finishing’ period. This is when farmers are fattening the animals to get a decent conformation of carcass and a good price. Most UK farms feed cereals in this period and many will bring the animals indoors to do this efficiently (6).
An Australian study into the ‘Effect of feeding systems on omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid and trans fatty acids in Australian beef cuts: potential impact on human health’ (Ponnampalam, E.N., 2006), showed that all the omega-3 and CLA gained from grass-feeding was lost in just 80 days of grain feeding. Furthermore, it was lost to the degree that it was no longer qualified as being a meaningful dietary source by the New Zealand and Australian Food Standards Agency.
This doesn’t mean these farmers or supermarkets labelling this meat as ‘grass-fed’ are bad or that their produce is poor in quality or taste. Although, it does not guarantee that the nutrient density is what we expect from ‘100% grass-fed’ meat.

grass fed beef braising steak


The term ‘grass-fed’ is meaningless unless you research further into the animals’ background. Unfortunately, the extensive use of the term ‘grass-fed’ has undermined the effort of those small local farms who are actively trying to produce 100% grass-fed meat. Rearing animals purely on pasture is a very sustainable way to produce meat but it does take a deep understanding of organic farming, eco-systems, and holistic animal health management. This knowledge and skill set take time to learn and emplace.
If you want to be certain of the nutrient quality of your meat then you should be looking for the ‘pasture for life’ certificate on your meat, or ask the following questions:
• Are the animals grazed outside on pasture?
• Do the animals receive any grains?
• What feed is used to ‘finish’ the livestock?

The answer to these questions should give you some insight into where, on the wide scale of nutrient quality, your ‘grass-fed meat’ may fall.



1: Dewailly E, Blanchet C, Lemieux S, et al.(2001). n−3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease risk factors among the Inuit of Nunavik. In Am J Clinical Nutrition 2001;74::464-73. Retrieved from
2: Gunnars, K. (n.d.). Top 8 Reasons Not to Fear Saturated Fats. In Authority Nutrition. Retrieved from
3: Kresser, C. (2013, April). The Diet-Heart Myth: Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Are Not the Enemy. In Chris Kresser. Retrieved from
4: Kresser, C. (2013, March). Why Grass-Fed Trumps Grain-Fed. In Chris Kresser. Retrieved from
5: Daley, C. A., Abbott, A., Doyle, P. S., Nader, G. A., & Larson, S. (2010). A review of fatty acid profiles and antioxidant content in grass-fed and grain-fed beef. In Nutrition Journal, 9, 10. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-9-10. Retrieved from
6: Ponnampalam E.N., Mann, N.J., Sinclair, A.J. (2006). Effect of feeding systems on omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid and trans fatty acids in Australian beef cuts: potential impact on human health. In Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2006;15(1):21-9. Retrieved from

grass fed lamb

8 Key Differences between Paleo/Primal Diets and Modern Diets

1. You eat more Protein

Our hunter- gatherer forefathers ate about 19-35% protein. Modern Western diets only comprise of about 15% protein and it rarely includes a good range of amino acids. Getting enough protein on a Paleo/Primal diet can help to balance blood sugar levels, more energy and healthier bones. Good quality meats, fish and eggs should contribute to most of your protein requirements.


Is eating meat bad for your health?


2: You eat ‘better’ carbohydrates

On a Paleo/Primal diet you will eat carbohydrates that have a lower Glycaemic load – Non starchy fruit and vegetables will provide most of our carbohydrate requirements, this will keep your blood sugar stable. Avoiding blood sugar spikes will keep you slim and maintain consistent energy levels.


3: You eat more fibre

Yes even without eating whole grains! Dietary fibre is essential for good health; vegetables and fruit contain far higher amounts of fibre than grains. Some vegetables have 31 times more fibre than refined flour products.

paleo diet Free range pork strips

4: You eat more fat

But only the good stuff – Recent comprehensive large population studies show that saturated fats have little or no adverse effects upon cardiovascular disease. Yes that means your GP’s information is out of date! Choose your meats wisely so that the saturated fat you eat is from grass-fed animals. 100% grass fed meats have up to five times the Omega- 3 fats of animals that have been fed grain based diets. Eat healthier monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats with a higher Omega-3 to and Omega-6 ratio. Cut the trans fats and reduce the Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats in your diet. Wilderculture has a great free course, ‘is it healthy to eat meat?‘ which covers a variety of topics from ancestral diets to vegan and vegetarian deficiencies to help you get a well-rounded view of the topic.
paleo diet mutton boned and rolled leg

5: Your diet will be higher in potassium and lower sodium

Our ancestors had a ratio of about 5 potassium to 1 sodium and our body needs this balance to help our organs function efficiently. Modern diets are likely to have a ratio of 2 sodium to 1 potassium, this has been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease and strokes.


6: Your body will be more Alkaline

By eating a diet high in fruit and vegetables you will reduce your acid load to the kidneys. High dietary acid may lead to bone and muscle loss, high blood pressure, risk of kidney stones and aggravate asthma. Therefore more Alkaline in our bodies will keep these issues at bay.


7: We will receive more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and plant phytochemicals

Grains are no substitute for grass fed meats, fruits or veggies as they contain no vitamin A, C or B12. Many of the minerals and some of the B vitamins that whole grains contain are not synthesised in the body well.


8: You can have Diary!

We left this paleo diet basics ‘hot potato’ until last. Dairy was not available to our hunter-gathering friends however has been eaten by traditional pastoral cultures for thousands of years and some tolerate it well. As a natural product from an animal which (in some form) would have been around in prehistoric times, it is acceptable. The main reason Paleo purists avoid dairy is that some people have a problem with lactose and casein intolerance. Both of these molecules are present in human breast milk, this means our ancestors must have not just tolerated it but thrived on it for some time, in many Western cultures the ability to digest these proteins continues into adulthood.

I do, however, think that milk and its derivatives should be ‘raw’ as the pasteurisation process takes away the beneficial bacteria and enzymes that help us digest it. We believe homogenisation is a no-no, it messes with the way our body recognises food and our bodies are more likely to mark it as an allergen. If dairy was an unpalatable food there would be no good reason to include it in our diet. Raw dairy and its products are delicious and can make a very difficult diet regime much easier. Diary can add flavour and texture to many dishes.


Comment below and let us know how your Paleo or Primal Diet has improved your health…. 


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We have created our own health plan that draws from ancestral wisdom and helps you build a way to eat that is good for the planet and good for your unique life circumstances too. Take a look at our ‘Wildervore Approach.’

Land Regeneration

Why a Subscription Meat Box could be the driver of Land Regeneration

Our mission at Primal Meats is to be more than a meat selling business. We want to utilise our influence and your purchasing power to make significant changes to the world. We believe that subscription boxes for 100%-grass fed meat could be the answer to our land regeneration issues.

Our lands are degrading at an astonishing rate; for every tonne of food we produce our farming and land management methods are producing 10 tonnes of degrading soils. Within 60 years, our soils’ ability to sustain food production is likely to fail on a global scale. All the while our population is growing at a phenomenal rate. Life for future generations is looking bleak and challenging if we don’t start making significant changes in how we manage land.

You have the power to create change through your purchasing choices. By choosing to buy 100% grass-fed meat from us you are supporting local farms who manage their land holistically and are passionate about regenerating our soils to provide you with nutrient-rich meats which will boost your health. As a generation, we are facing numerous modern illnesses such as leaky gut syndrome, autoimmune disease and allergies.

Not only do our subscription meat boxes support a healthy planet but they also promote a healthy you. We offer multiple subscription box options to provide you with the nutrient-rich meat you need to restore your health.

Here are some key highlights of our subscription meat boxes. As always, we can guarantee:
•    No grains ever
•    No routine antibiotics or medicines used
•    Highest animal welfare and humane slaughter practices
•    100% pasture reared and organic beef and lamb
•    Regenerative farming practices
•    Family Farms

The boxes are PERFECT for the competent cook who cares about the nutrient density of their food, the welfare of animals and the land management practices of the farms they source from above the convenience of selecting individual preferred cuts of meat. The boxes will NOT suit those without a freezer or those who want to shop regularly and select specific cuts.
If you are not completely satisfied with your box, you can cancel at any time.

We believe in equality
When people select only certain cuts of meat we have to de-value the leftover cuts. The number of 100% grass-fed animals in the UK is limited, so it is vital that NO meat is downgraded or wasted. Our belief is that ALL parts of an animal are equally important to your nutrition and should be enjoyed.

We believe it’s healthier
We evolved as humans to be omnivores, eating a variety of food inclusive of both plants and animals. Therefore, we are healthiest when high-quality meat is included in our diet; if we only eat poor-quality meat or specific cuts then we can become vulnerable to illnesses. Our bodies have been evolved to eat all cuts of an animal, and this happens to be the healthiest way of eating. Eating too much muscle meat and cooking at high temperatures can be harmful to health. By using the cuts high in connective tissue and including offal in the diet you can negate any risk associated with selective meat eating.

We believe in REAL cooking
Our boxes contain nutritious delicious meat and connect you to our community where you can find new recipes, get creative cooking tips and share ideas and get inspiration. Our boxes will encourage you to try new cuts, discover new recipes and improve your cooking skills.

We believe in changing the world one animal at a time
Our subscription boxes are about starting a #consumerrevolution in the way we source our meat.
Choosing to eat this meat will increase the demand for it, this means we will have to recruit new farmers and encourage them to turn to 100% grass feeding and more regenerative practices.


If you don’t like what the supermarkets stand for or you don’t want to support conventional farming practices then this is your chance to take back control.

This single change in buying habit could make the difference between us struggling to stay afloat, and being able to expand to the point where we are encouraging more 100% grass-fed organic farmers to come on board – you have the power to do this.

So take a look at our subscription range of meat boxes and also our wholly cow crowd funding space where individual farms can showcase the animals they have available.

If you have any questions, jump on our website chat and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
